Washington, D.C.
Monday June 11, 1861.

My Dear Mother:
By our stopping at Washington for a few hours I have time to write you. We started from Detroit Thursday about sundown and arrived in Cleveland the next day about noon.


We stayed there but a short time and then took the cars for Pittsburgh arriving there about twelve o'clock and left for Harrisburg as soon as we could change cars. We reached Harrisburg at three o, clock Saturday afternoon and stayed until Sunday Morning. We arrived in Baltimore about dark and left as soon as we could change cars. We got into Washington about twelve o'clock Sunday night.

The ride from Detroit was very nice and in Cleveland the people were much pleased with us. They cheered us at all places. At some places they brought out cake, lemonade, water and gave us presents.
Along the Pennsylvania Rail Road there a great many mountains and about all the business there is, is in the coal mines and oil fields. The folks look only half civilized. After we left the mountains the country is better and the folks look more civilized.

From Harrisburg to Baltimore there some mountains and some very nice country. After we crossed the Maryland line there were soldiers all along the road until we reached Washington. Most of the people from the State line to Baltimore are for the Union. There were a great many flags and most of the folks cheered us. In Baltimore some cheered for us and some cheered for Jeff. Our officers told us not to pay any attention to anyone while in the city. Just before we got to Baltimore we got out and loaded our guns for we expected to be attacked but were not to speak of.

After we left the city for Washington there were some stones thrown and one hit the Orderly Sergeant of Co. B. He saw the man they said threw it, drew his revolver and shot him. He said he saw him fall and the Captain said he saw the same.

We had a very bad accident happen to one of our men on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail Road. It was Henry French He was on top of the cars as we crossed under a bridge and was hit on the forehead. He fell back on top of the cars and his cap fell to the platform where we found it covered with blood. They stopped the train and found him but they think he will get well.

The news just come that four Baltimore men were shot by our men on guard. The man the orderly shot died and the police sent word to our Colonel to have the Orderly give up to them.

I went to see the Capitol and went through it. The evergreen enclosed is off a shade tree on the lawn. The boys are all well. I think if you write as soon as you get this I will get it.
Direct as before on to Washington.

Your Son
A.J. Juckett.



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