In spite of the fact that we have photos and letters of the Juckett Family of the 1860's,  we know very little about the family.   We do know that Hazael and Hannah Juckett had 7 children,  Harvey, Eliza,  Laura, Phoebe, Ashley, Henry, and Albert.  All were born in Kendal,  New York where Henry, just 14 years old died.

     In 1846 the family moved by way of the Erie Canal and covered wagon to Homer, Michigan where they bought land and began farming.  

     At the Start of the Civil War in 1861,  Albert just 20 years old still lived with his mother and father as well as his sisters,  Laura and Phoebe. While we believe Harvey and Eliza had already left home.  Ashley several years older than Albert was married with 3 children and had moved near Ypsilanti,  Michigan. 

Follow the links on the left to view the pictures we have of the Jucketts.