Our Cousin Howard Maurer was killed in the Philippines on February 10, 1945. Although I never met Howard I am proud to say he was my relative and happy to give him this salute on the internet.
Howard A. Maurer
From a saved newspaper article. T-5 Howard Maurer Reported wounded at Manila Dies.
T-5 Howard A. Maurer 26 son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Maurer of Jackson was reported slightly wounded at Manila, while serving as a rifleman with an infantry company of the 37th division. Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs.. Maurer and family brot news of a later message from the war department to Mr. and Mrs. Upston, stating that there son had died February 10, the day following his injury T-5 Maurer entered service January 20, 1941 and was trained at Ft. Custer, Nashville Tennessee and Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. In an ordinance company he went overseas February 25, 1943 to new Caledonia and later to the Solomon's. He served in the Munda and Bougainville campaigns he was transferred to an infantry company in October 1944 while in Bougainville and was with this company when wounded. Before he went into service he was employed by the Grass Lake News.