Camp of the 2nd Mich. Regt. Va,
Friday June 7, 1862.
Dear Father: It being payday and as I intend to send some money home I thought I would send it right away. I am sending sixteen dollars.
Everything is quiet to-day. I guess the enemy is satisfied to wait until we are ready for the battle, Our men are throwing up entrenchments.
What do you think of McClelland? Do you think he is going to surrender his army to the enemy or do you think he is going to whip them? What do you think of the Michigan boys from what youread in the papers? Do they fight well?
In the engagement last Saturday Col. Poe had his horse killed from in under him. There are reinforcements
coming, the New York first came Wednesday, 900 strong and the Michigan here somewhere.
Write as soon as you receive the money so I will know that the money is safe. I
intended to send it in this letter but I guess I will send by express to Mr. Allen as the other boys aredoing. There will be some charges so please pay my share and I will make it right with you.
Give my love to all.
your affectionate Son
A. J. Juckett.
The money is in Treasury notes. Please send some stamps. I have some but they are back at the bridge in my knapsack.