Camp Near Fairfax, Va.
March 8th, 1863
Dear Brother:
I received yours of the 22nd and hasten to answer it. I was glad to hear from you and of your good health.
We went out on scout last Thursday. We went out on the Leesburg Pike, about 40 miles form here, we scouted around the country and took some prisoners and a few horses, we also took hay and grain for our horses, hams, bacon, honey, flour, meat and food of all kinds. We live first rate sometimes. The women show considerable fight.
There are but few men at home and they generally have to come along. If they have a good horse he comes too.
They beg off, say they are union men and you almost think they are. others will tell us there are no Union men about and there are but few.
Saturday in the afternoon there came one of the worst snow storms I ever saw. We left our blankets and shelter tents in camp so that all we could do was to build a fire (of which fence rails made up the principal part) and stand over it and keep our selves as comfortable as we could.
I was on guard that night, guarding prisoners. We used a meeting house to keep them in.
The sixth Regt. went 20 miles farther and they took 50 or 60 prisoners. They had one man shot.
We united and came in Sunday. Brought in nearly 100 prisoners, over 100 horses, a load of
wheat and a load of bacon.
I hope the weather will come off warm soon. It is worse than it is in Michigan. I shall think more of Michigan now than ever. It is mud here 8 months of the year.
I expect to go out on picket soon and we stay 5 days. I would like to have you write often and send a paper
occasionally as they are always welcome. I would like to have your wife write.
A letter Would be very welcome from either of the girls and I do wish they would write.
I forgot whether I wrote about 0ssero to you. I found him in Washington in the hospital.
Write soon.
Yours truly
A. R. Juckett
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