Sunday Jan 10, 

Falmouth Va.
Dear Father and Mother

As I have nothing to do I will try and write a few lines to you. All of the boys are well. I saw Fred Waterman and he said all of the other boys in that regiment are well.

The long looked for shirts have come at last. I am well satisfied with them also all the rest of the things. I steamed some of the cherries and think they are very good. You forgot to send a
little beeswax and a darning needle.

We don't see any signs of getting our pay. There are quite a number of the men say they are going to desert as soon as they get it and I don't blame them. I would think some of it too if
I was in the ranks but I cannot complain for all I have to do is cook, eat and sleep.

If it wasn't for you and my friends I wouldn't stay in the Army any longer than I could get a good chance to get away. You need not be afraid of my enlisting in the regular service. I wouldn't mind being in the Army if it was doing any good. I don't know if there is any honor in this war or not. If there is I can't see it. I have more respect for the enemy than for our own Army. The enemy at least work for the interest of their Government. All our officers seem to think of is to make all the money they can.

I have not heard from Ashley since he left Detroit. They have it arranged so all of the express comes right to Aquia Creek then up the railroad and there is piles and piles of it.

One of the boys got a box that just the express charges cost $13 and it was well worth it. There is nothing to be bought and it comes rather hard to depend on Uncle Sam.

We draw ten days rations and after six days are gone the grub begins to grow pretty slim.
Nearly all we get is hard bread and pork. There are a great many of the men dying off. More in the new regiment.

Our regiment does not seem to loose any.

I don't seem to get many letters. I think there is something wrong. I have not been down to the company since day before yesterday.

Perhaps when I do go I will get one.

When you write again direct it to
A.J.J., 1st Division,
Ambulance Corps of the
9th Army Corps,
Washington D.C.

Then the mail will come right here and it will be more convenient.

When you write again I want you to tell me something about the
things around home and what you are about, also what is going on
around town.

How do they like the President's proclamation. I don't
know what to think of it or anything else.

I will have to draw my letter to a close so good bye for this time.

Please Write soon.
Your affectionate Son
A.J. Juckett.

