After being sick for about a week, I feel quite well again except for some pain
through my head and eyes.
In my last letter I was speaking of our last movement or retreat as some may call it. I
believe the last I spoke of was being in the engagement and Dikeman being wounded.
Were we were firing from the 20th Indiana had piled some rails so it was as good as a rifle pit. We stayed there until the rest of the army had left.
The battle field being a narrow strip between two pieces of woods, we could hear the heart rendering cries of the wounded.
I only heard one or two of our men. As soon as the firing stopped the enemy came out with lights and picked up the dead and wounded. When we left Just before daylight they seemed to be Just as busy so I think our
artillery must have killed many.
At one time in the afternoon while we were engaged they were fighting between us and and the main part of our army. I thought sure we were as good as taken
prisoner but the Penn. Reserves drove them from their position. When we retreated we passed over part of the battle field.
We arrived at Malvern Hill Tuesday morning and I did not feel like doing duty so I left the Regt. Our regiment supported a battery and lost a few men with cannon balls and shells. Our Company lost two wounded.
I was on top of the hill just before dark and I tell you I saw the most splendid
sight I ever saw. I could see our artillery firing from different points also the enemy
I could hear the roar and see the smoke of the musketry and I could see the movement of the different troops. One place I could see
a regiment, of Cavalry starting in for a charge also the Lancers, then Regts. of infantry. Some moving in line of battle others by divisions. It is useless to try to
describe it. I wish you could have seen as much.
We stayed on the hill nearly all night and then we started for Harrisons Landing. In the middle of the
forenoon it commenced to rain and I tell you I was nearly tired out when we reached the landing. Now things are getting better but I guess the next time we start for Richmond we will have to be in
Some I suppose will blame McClelland. He called for reinforcements and was refused. He said he had a superior force to contend with but would do the best he could and I think he has done so. So does every
solider in the army think so.
There at home, I should think they ought to have patience as long as the solders
Lincoln and McClelland reviewed part of the army on the Forth of July. A few days ago they were here to see us. We spent the Forth resting.
I wish you would write and let me know of those who are against Gen. McClelland
also what move they are making in Michigan toward raising Regiments.
D. Davis, I think, has been taken prisoner and F. Dikeman is able for duty again.
I have been looking for a letter from home for some time.
Mother I lost the handkerchief that Laura sent me so will you please send me one. Here they cost from one to two dollars.
What do you think of those allotment notes that I spoke of.
I would like to know so I can tell what to do when I get My next pay.
I have not heard from William since the battles.
I cant think of any more to write this time. Please excuse
all mistakes and write as soon as you receive this.
Tour affectionate Son
A.J. Juckett
Paper and envelopes are scarce for we lost our knapsacks. They were burned so the enemy would not get them.
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