Camp Michigan, Va.
March 7, 1862.

Dear Mother and Father: Your kind and affectionate letter was received quite a long time after it arrived. It was in the Co.   about three weeks but it was welcome if it was old.

We are all well. John has been quite sick but is well now. We are under marching orders now. The order was given to be ready at an hours notice with three days rations. The order was issued last Thursday. Friday we went out on picket and took our things with us so as to be prepared to go on but we have not moved yet. There is no doubt but that we will go soon.

We are fixing the road between Fort Legon and Pohick. The Penn. Sixty Third Regt. relieved us on picket. They came yesterday and while they were on picket they sent out a scouting party of about twenty men; commanded by their Leut. Col. While they were out they heard a party of the rebels coming. They laid in ambush for them to pass. There were about fifteen of them. After they had passed someone made a noise. The enemy turned and fired into them, then rushed them, They killed a Capt. Quartermaster,  a private and wounded another,
They did not fire the Col. but he has been placed under arrest.

The rebel scouts are the Texas Rangers and are led by a man by the name of Bart. (Name blotted). I heard tonight that Gen. Hintzleman has offered a prize for him dead or alive.

Friday Eve

Things do not look quite so much like moving as they did although I think we will move soon.

There were twelve, twenty four pound guns went up the Mt. Vernon Road yesterday. I can't tell what they were for but I think some thing is up.

There was a man who died in the hospital last night with a disease of the lungs. This Regt. is generally healthy and all of the regiments in this brigade except the Fifth. They have a funeral every day. One day they buried six. They call it black measles and they blame their doctor. He is under arrest. They sent thirty five to the general hospital from one company.

Preparations to move are still going on. I hope soon to hear the enemy has been concord and peace has been declared. I think it will be as soon as their stronghold here in Va. is wiped out. As near as we can find out they are going to make a desperate struggle.

I try to write to you as often as you do to me and more if possible. Any time you feel like writing do so. I mean to hold out to the last and not get homesick. I have not thought of it but once and that was when I was sick. 

You speak of butter it is 35 cents per pound.

You need not fear of my being under guard. I have never even had to do extra duty or anything else. There is nothing that you can help me to, I have everything I need.

I received a letter from Siclers wife and I will send it to you. so you can see what it contains.

Write as soon as you receive this and give my love to all and save a share for yourself.

Yours in haste
A.J. Juckett.



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