Warrenton Junction, Va.
April 30, 1864.

Dear parents: As we are in camp and expect to stay for a  few hours, I thought you would like to know where I am and how I am getting along.

We started from Annapolis last Saturday and have marched every day but one. I can tell you I do not feel none the best because of it. . I don't feel too bad my feet are some sore but I guess I can stand it.

Ladow was left back in the hospital at Annapolis. The rest of the boys are all right.

We are about twenty miles in the rear of the Army of the Potomac. I don't know whether we are going any farther or not but expect we will.

We came through Washington but did not stop. I saw the president and he looked rather thin.

If you know what hospital John is in tell me and I will stop and see him When we go back.

I suppose the North expects to see some great things done in a few days. Do they not ?

I hope they won't be disappointed but if Grant does happen to meet with some reverses then you
will see how a certain class will cuss him.

They would not have so much to say if they really knew what war was like.

Give my love to all and be sure to write as soon as you can.

I remain your loving Son

A.J. Juckett

Co. I 2nd Mich Inft
9th Army Corps
Washington, D. C.





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